{"debug":{"designOptions_showExtendedStats":null,"showExtendedStats":false,"me":"0\/0","q":"select count(id) total, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and created>= CURDATE() and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) day, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and created>= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) and hidden=0 and description is not null and description<>\"\" and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) new, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and notified>0 and hidden=0 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) notified, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and hidden>=2 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) solved, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and hidden=2 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) solved2, \/*aka closed 2.0*\/ (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and hidden=3 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) solved3, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and hidden=4 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) solved4, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and hidden=5 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) solved5, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and deadline is not null and date(NOW())>date(deadline) and \/*21092023 notified>0 and*\/ hidden<>2 and hidden<>1 and hidden<>-1 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) late, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and official=1 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) official, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and controlled>0 and (controlAwaiting>0 or controlInwork>0 or controlVacancy>0) and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) controlled, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and controlAwaiting>0 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) controlAwaiting, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and controlInwork>0 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) controlInwork, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and controlled>0 and controlVacancy=0 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) controlNoVacancy, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and (hidden=-1 or hidden=1) and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) removed, (select MAX( DATEDIFF(NOW(), created) ) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 ) started, (select count(id) from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 and hidden<>1 ) totalTrue \/*11122023*\/ from sarovyama_orders where cityId=19 and description is not null and draft=0 and hidden<>-1 "},"microtime":{"-1":0.009527921676635742,"0":0.013087034225463867},"statistics":{"total":"0","day":"0","new":"0","notified":"0","solved":"0","solved2":"0","solved3":"0","solved4":"0","solved5":"0","late":"0","official":"0","controlled":"0","controlAwaiting":"0","controlInwork":"0","controlNoVacancy":"0","removed":"0","started":null,"totalTrue":"0"}}